ATHENA WIN Aspiring Leaders Program - Mentee Application

As part of ATHENA WIN's mission to advance women leaders in the Lasing region, this program is a great opportunity for you to connect with a mentor who can offer you insight, advice, opportunity – and help you navigate the next stage/s of your career. (FYI, in studies, it has been shown that employees with mentors are 5x more likely to get promoted).

What is a mentee or as we like to say, an aspiring leader? An aspiring leader is defined as an individual in the early stages of her career with less than 3-5 years in a supervisory position or one who has an interest in pursuing a leadership position within her organization. There are no age barriers when it comes to leading. 

Program Dates

2024     September 11      October 9     November 13
2025     January 8th     February 12th     March 12th 

*All sessions are from 8:30am - 10:30am at the Lansing Regional Chamber, unless otherwise noted. 

What you'll give:

Monthly in-person meeting from 8:30 am until 10:30 am with a professional industry expert (September through March with no meeting in December)

Monthly one hour in person or virtual mentee/mentor meeting for four months (October, November, January, and February).

One to two hours per month (approximate) for preparation time for meetings

Participation in a Give Back to Your Community Event, as determined by you and your mentor.

What you'll get:

Structured framework for the program including conversation prompts and educational resources related to each month's topic.

A mentor specifically matched to your area of interest/industry.

Recognition as an Aspiring Leader in ATHENA WIN's newsletter and special acknowledgement at the Evening of Empowerment in September.

Satisfaction knowing that you are empowering yourself.

Please note, there is a limit on the number of people we can accept into the first group of mentees – so make sure to sign up right now. Additional information will be provided as the selection of Mentees/Mentors will be finalized by mid-August. In addition, you will need to be a current member to participate. If you aren’t sure of your membership status, please contact us here

**If selected for the program, there is an enrollment fee of $899 due prior to the start of the program**

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Contact Information

About You

1. Number of years in current role
2. What interested you about joining the Aspiring Leaders program?
3. Tell us about your work experience and career path. 
4. Are you currently in a leadership role?
5. What specific goals would you like to achieve through this mentorship?
6. What are your strengths?
7. What leadership/professional development areas would you like to develop or improve?

20MB max

If selected to participate as a Mentee, tuition for the ATHENA WIN Aspiring Leaders program is $899 per participant. Tuition is payable to ATHENA WIN and is deductible under the Internal Revenue Service Code as a business expense.  

I have discussed with my employer my intention to participate in the ATHENA WIN Aspiring Leaders program. I understand that attendance at ALL scheduled Aspiring Leader sessions is mandatory because my participation is essential to the program's success. I have received permission to be absent from work during the program sessions. I have also discussed with my employer the importance of my participation in each session. If for some reason I must withdraw from the Aspiring Leaders program, notification must be given two weeks prior to the first session. If notification is given later than that, a $200 fee will be assessed.